Saturday, January 31, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Day 27 + Day 28
I was a little late posting the last two days, so here they are! Better late than never!
I wondered over next door to grab a few pictures of this cool old truck! I will probably be roaming back by there as the year goes... simply because there are some super cool photo ops over there!
Today during lunch, we wandered over to lake where I found this little guy swimming around! Thankfully he was a pretty good model and kept coming over to visit!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Valentine's Day+25
After the tea party shoot, Briar and I had a little Valentine's day shoot for funsies! She is such a doll and sometimes she just cracks herself up! We had so much fun yesterday and I can't thank Darci and Tyler enough for their continued support of B.Davis Photography! Can't wait for the many more fun sessions with this precious family!
Day 25-- Because, I have such talented and awesome friends! This is one of my favorite necklaces ever. I wear it almost everyday! So, thank you Katy for being so awesome and telling me to get the necklace instead of the bracelet... always listen to the experts! :)
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Darci brought her grandma's tea set to use for the tea party photo shoot and I loved it. A. because I LOVE LOVE LOVE anything gold these days and B. because it has such a special meaning to Darci and Briar. To capture images that mean so much to people is my constant reminder of why I love doing this so much and why I hope to make photography my career. I want to capture moments that are not just a neat picture to put on Facebook as a cover photo or profile picture... I want to create something that is everlasting. Something like this tea set. A picture that will be handed down in families for many years to come.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Due to a super secret, special project, I was a little late posting my #project365 image for last night. So, I opted to wait and post it tonight with Day 23!
Day 22-- Lucy Girl! She will always be my favorite subject!
Day 23-- Because what is life without my small town! Tonight I was driving down the road and saw two of my high school classmates chatting in front of Matt's house. So, I stopped by to say "hi" and they then informed me that my front tire was going flat. You see I sometimes I hate this small town, but most of the time I am blessed to be from here and have grown up with some of the best people I have ever known.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Winner Winner!
Congratulations Savannah Snyder!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the fun!
I will more than likely be doing more of these soon, but I will be sure to post all the info to my @brenna_davis and @bdavis_photography Instagram accounts!
I will be completely honest with you... I usually hit the snooze a few times before I actually get out of bed. It is dependent on the day, but it can range from one snooze hit to 10 snooze hits! It is just who I am! I have figured out a system that typically works for me... but, sometimes it doesn't work out at all.
However, for some reason this morning I had everything together. And, I am so glad that I did! The sunrise was beautiful! I ran out to start my car and saw the glow over the honey plant, so I stepped it up a few notches so I could hopefully catch the sunrise. My friend, Kelly Jo, had been posting about the sunrises for the last couple of days and I have been wanting to make it for one, but lets be honest here-- that can be easier said than done for this girl.
But, nevertheless I made it this morning! The colors were just beautiful... definitely something only the man upstairs can create!
However, for some reason this morning I had everything together. And, I am so glad that I did! The sunrise was beautiful! I ran out to start my car and saw the glow over the honey plant, so I stepped it up a few notches so I could hopefully catch the sunrise. My friend, Kelly Jo, had been posting about the sunrises for the last couple of days and I have been wanting to make it for one, but lets be honest here-- that can be easier said than done for this girl.
But, nevertheless I made it this morning! The colors were just beautiful... definitely something only the man upstairs can create!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Day 20
Some day just don't go as you plan. Like today for instance.
A forgotten meeting that ran longer than expected. Forgot my lunch at home on the counter. My list could go on. It was Tuesday, but felt an awful lot like a Monday. You would think I would have been more organized with today given that I was off all day yesterday, but it was quite the opposite.
So, I came home tonight and panicked because I forgot my camera at home this morning and didnt have a chance to go out and take any pictures during my lunch hour. And, then I looked up and saw my ring. No, not a wedding ring or engagement ring, but my class ring! My OSU class ring. The only piece of jewelry that I wear daily. The only piece of jewelry that has meaning to me. The only piece of jewelry that brings back memories of the night when I first got my ring and the fun Lin and I had. It isn't worth much to anyone else, but it means the world to me. I love when people ask me about it. And, I love to tell them the story about how Pistol Pete got his class ring on the same night as me. And, how Lin and I took 1800 photos with our parents before the night was over.
And, more than that... I love how it looks by glitter!
Monday, January 19, 2015
New Lens... Lets Play!
You see I have this new lens that I haven't really got to try out very much yet and it is literally burning a hole in my camera bag... So, I think a senior model call is the best solution to this problem!
To enter-- just post a photo to Instagram of something you love. Could be sports, could be reading, writing, music, horses... you name it! And, then tell me what it means to you and why you love it!
Two things to keep in mind-- You must be willing to come to my house in Minco and you must want to hangout this weekend (Jan. 24th or 25th)!
Be sure to use the hashtag and mention me in your post so I see your entry!
**Disclaimer-- Winner will be chosen based on the content of the post not the image quality. However, creativity will also be a factor. A fellow photographer will be judging the entries and the winner will be announced on Wednesday.**
Thank you!
Day 19- Stop.
Today was a day off. A Monday without work. A day set aside to celebrate a man with a dream. A man that was about love and not hate. A man who believed that with love this world could change. That was then and this is now, but after reading quotes from MLK I believe that those dreams are very much still relevant in present day. So, today I stopped. Stopped to see the beauty in the world around me. Stopped to take a few minutes to breath, dream, and think about how I can love others more. How can I shake off the bad, shake off the hate and see people for who they truly are. Just see the people. Not see the things they have, the way the look or the color of their skin... but for who they truly are.
On this Monday, I say stop ... Stop for a minute to smell those roses. Stop for a minute to enjoy the world around you and the life you have. Stop for a minute to really listen to what people are saying. And, most of all, stop for a minute and thank God for your daily blessings.
I couldn't write this post with a stop sign and not somehow throw in "Stop. Collaborate and Listen!" Because, that is just how I roll!
I couldn't write this post with a stop sign and not somehow throw in "Stop. Collaborate and Listen!" Because, that is just how I roll!
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Day 18
Today was a beautiful outside, so I took my little Lucy out walking this afternoon.
Walking Lucy isn't for the faint at heart. She hasn't spent much time on a leash in her six years, so you can imagine how the walk went. After about five mins she got bored and just looked at me like I don't want to be here anymore. I, of course, ten ended up carrying her the rest of the way until we got close to the house and then she wanted down! Typical Lucy behavior! haha
Today I have two pictures. Lucy was my intended Day 18 photo, but then the sunset came and I couldn't resist. It was beautiful and welcomed considering the weather we have been having. I have done sunsets already in this challenge so I opted for a different perspective of the sunset. Thankfully, no one drove by while I was climbing ditches, etc.
Brothers-- Take Two
Sunday. Have I mentioned how much I love Sundays!? Well, I do for many reasons and today was no different.
I started the morning with three cute brothers. I got to hang out with them a little before Christmas, but the weather was so rainy and cold and foggy and overall yuck that we decided to try again on a prettier day. Hence today. The weather was pretty nice considering what it was like last weekend and the boys are just as cute as they were the last time!
We laughed a lot at little Colt, ran through a field, jumped some barb wire and "drove" a cool, old Farmall! All in all it was a great day!
I started the morning with three cute brothers. I got to hang out with them a little before Christmas, but the weather was so rainy and cold and foggy and overall yuck that we decided to try again on a prettier day. Hence today. The weather was pretty nice considering what it was like last weekend and the boys are just as cute as they were the last time!
We laughed a lot at little Colt, ran through a field, jumped some barb wire and "drove" a cool, old Farmall! All in all it was a great day!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Day 17-- Color
After working all morning at my full-time job... a trip downtown to shoot some fun pictures was just what I needed!
This might just be my new favorite building ever. So colorful! I wish I had one right out my backdoor.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Transformation Tuesday: Newell Edition
I have been working on cleaning out the hard drive over the last couple of weeks and moving all my photography related files over to a fresh, new, clean hard drive. Wee. Nerd Alert!
So, since doing that it has given me a chance to look back on old sessions. Like the sessions that happened when I was really just winging it because I was a little bit on the lost side. Yeah, those sessions. Well, those sessions are so fun to look at not only to see how my style has changed as a photographer, but at the difference in some of my clients.
Like these three boys! They are some of my favorites and a little like little brothers and not that I am biased or anything, but aren't they handsome little devils!
The first one was taken in December 2012 and the second photo was taken in Nov. 2014! I think they have changed just a little!
So, since doing that it has given me a chance to look back on old sessions. Like the sessions that happened when I was really just winging it because I was a little bit on the lost side. Yeah, those sessions. Well, those sessions are so fun to look at not only to see how my style has changed as a photographer, but at the difference in some of my clients.
Like these three boys! They are some of my favorites and a little like little brothers and not that I am biased or anything, but aren't they handsome little devils!
The first one was taken in December 2012 and the second photo was taken in Nov. 2014! I think they have changed just a little!
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Catching Up After A Cold...
Cold season finally caught up to me! Sad. I had been doing so well to avoid it at all cost, but then it hit me. So, I have been haven't been posting as much as I need to be... like on my photography project!
We are only 10 days in and I am already three days behind. Opps. Maybe next week will be better. Let's hope. (On that note, I have decided to give each week a topic to stick with so it won't be so tasking to find interesting things to photograph each day... but, I think themes will make it a little more fun too!)
So, this blog post is purely for catching up on a few things I haven't posted recently! We start with Shawna and Tucker move to a couple of #project365 images and end with a recent lifestyle newborn session with sweet, little Addison!
I have also been on quite the black and white kick lately, so please prepare yourself for that!
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Quiet is Good For the Soul
What I thought was going to be a hectic first weekend of the new year was actually quite quiet and I am so thankful for that. My two big family sessions were canceled due to the rainy and cold weather, so I took this weekend to rest, relax and prepare for the upcoming weekends. And, it was awesome.
I have really neglected my house, my blog and some parts of my personal life because my fall and winter sessions were so hectic. (And, I couldn't be more thankful for that!) So, I put things aside this weekend. Only picked up my camera to do my #project365 photos and only posted a few of the images I had been holding onto in between movie changes.
I feel so revived! I even cleaned up my computer files to make room for 2015! It was so liberating and nerdy to be that excited about moving files to my new external hard drive!
I have a couple of family sessions this weekend and one really cute boy coming for his first birthday pictures and I could not be more excited! This week I am also planning to work on ideas for a tea party session for a special duo, super hero themed mini sessions to benefit Minco Special Olympics and maybe even will be throwing in a Valentine mini session day in the mix too!
I have a super cool senior session to finish editing this week too (posted below) and a couple more big families, but before the weekend comes to an end... Here is a couple from a big Christmas family session I did a couple of weeks ago! I always love hanging out with the Bass Family!
I am taking a huge leap outside my editing comfort zone on this one ... but with the foggy weather that we had this particular day it seems kind of fitting! But, I don't think it will be a regular occurrence by any means! haha
Thursday, January 1, 2015
I have always posted my photography photos on my personal Instagram account and I will probably keep doing so from time to time, but I have decided to start an IG account just for B.Davis Photography and Design! I think it will work better for what 2015 is going to bring and if it isn't helpful then I will go back to doing what I have been doing all this time!
I am planning to do a lot more with Instagram as the year progresses, so follow us to be in the loop of sneak peeks, mini session openings, drawings, etc.
And, as always don't forget to use the the bdavis hashtag (#bdavisphotography)!
Project 365-- Day One
Resolutions haven't always been my thing. I always say I am going to do these grand things and never really get around to doing any of them ... partly because I am a tad bit of a procrastinator and partly because I forget if I am not looking at it everyday.
I haven't really came up any type of solution, but I am going to try two new things this year.
First, I am going to make a "Monthly Goals List." This won't necessarily be anything like "quit drinking pop," but rather a list of things I want to accomplish. Like sending letters to friends, making new crafts and finishing old projects. I figured if they were monthly then it would be easier to accomplish. Tomorrow, I am going to work on making a frame to sit on my desk to keep my monthly goals list right in front of me so I don't have the excuse of "forgetting!"
Secondly, I am jumping on the 365/52 photography project. I read about something like this a few months ago about a photographer who took at least one picture everyday to help improve her photography skills. I loved this idea and I am going to give it a try. I am going to *try* my very best to use my big girl camera for each one, but I might have to resort to my phone if all else fails. I can't promise my life is that interesting, but I will give it my best shot! But, I will warn you... Lucy will more than likely be the star of this project.
(I will be posting my project photos on my personal blog page and personal Instagram account if you would like to follow along!)
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It only took Lucy a week to finally decide that she likes her new bed and blanket! |
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